Asset and Logistics Management Department
Diponegoro University
Asset Management and Logistics Department is part of the General Administration and Finance Bureau which carries out the function of implementing asset management services, including asset procurement services, asset administration services, asset utilization services, and household services. As well as other functions determined by Rector
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BMU Statement per 1st Semester for The Year 2020
SEMARANG, - Every Sub Working Unit in Diponegoro University, (Faculty, Unit,...
Stock Opname of Inventory per 1st Semester for The Year 2020
SEMARANG, - In order to compile Inventory Statement per 1st semester on 2020,...
Auction Announcement for The Disposal of Gedung Serba Guna dan Pos Satpam Fakultas Hukum
SEMARANG - Based on the Rector Decree of Diponegoro University No. 901 / UN7.P / HK / 2020 about...
Auction Announcement for the Disposal of Office Equipment from The Faculty of Science and Mathematics
SEMARANG - Based on the Rectors Decree of Diponegoro University No. 303 / UN7.P / HK / 2020, then...