Sayembara Ide Gagasan Desain Gerbang & Bundaran Kampus Tembalang
Semarang, In order to: Exploring the care and sense of belonging to the Diponegoro University campus area Get ideas in Undip’s Main Gate Design Get ideas in managing the area around the Campus Gate and its circulation pattern, The Directorate of...
Auction of Undip Property (BMU) Unloading Materials due to Repair (Renovation, Rehabilitation, or Restoration) Diponegoro University
SEMARANG - Based on the approval of Undip Deputy Chancellor II as Undip Property Manager for the proposed sale of BMU demolition due to repairs (renovation, rehabilitation or restoration) of Diponegoro University in 2020 from the Head of the General Administration and...
Auction Announcement for The Disposal of Gedung Serba Guna dan Pos Satpam Fakultas Hukum
SEMARANG - Based on the Rector Decree of Diponegoro University No. 901 / UN7.P / HK / 2020 about the Disposal of Gedung Serba Guna Universitas Diponegoro from the Property List in 2020, and No. 939 / UN7.P / HK / 2020 about the Disposal of Dua Pos Satpam Universitas...
Auction Announcement for the Disposal of Office Equipment from The Faculty of Science and Mathematics
SEMARANG - Based on the Rectors Decree of Diponegoro University No. 303 / UN7.P / HK / 2020, then through the Semarang State Wealth and Auction Service Office (KPKNL), Diponegoro University will conduct an auction for Office Equipment from The Faculty of Science and...
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